Warrington Liberal Democrats
Working hard for a fairer deal for all
News from Warrington
Lib Dems Plan to Cut Taxes for Businesses in Warrington
The Liberal Democrats have published a comprehensive blueprint for replacing the broken business rates system, cutting taxes for businesses by 18% in Warrington.
Labour's Blunder will cost a huge sum
Warrington's Development Management Committee has voted unanimously to turn down the Council's own planning application to place a Waste Transfer Station on highly congested and polluted Winwick Road, which is the principal northern gateway into the town. This reversed a decision by the Executive Board, the Council's cabinet, to place the facility there.
News from around the UK
Lib Dems pick Sarah Dyke for Somerton and Frome
The anticipated Somerton and Frome election will be a close two horse race between the Lib Dems and the Conservatives.
Lib Dems win in local elections
Liberal Democrats are winning and growing stronger in England, Scotland and Wales.
A brilliant set of election results
An in-depth look at how we did in the May elections