Lib Dems Criticise Uncaring Government
Warrington Liberal Democrats have criticised the government for their uncaring attitude to social care and universal credit.
Warrington Liberal Democrats have criticised the government for their uncaring attitude to social care and universal credit.
The Liberal Democrats voted in favour of giving residents a say on the latest version of the Local Plan at Warrington's Council Meeting on Monday. The Plan will now go out for six weeks consultation.
The Liberal Democrat Group welcomes the opening of discussions on a devolution deal with central government which would involve the Cheshire and Warrington Authorities working more closely together.
Liberal Democrats have a positive plan to fix bus, tram and rail services - allowing people to access services, boosting local economies and protecting our environment.
Alex Cole-Hamilton makes his keynote address to Autumn Conference 2023.
Daisy Cooper delivers her Autumn Conference Keynote Speech.