Warrington Lib Dem News
Lib Dems Plan to Cut Taxes for Businesses in Warrington
The Liberal Democrats have published a comprehensive blueprint for replacing the broken business rates system, cutting taxes for businesses by 18% in Warrington.
Labour's Blunder will cost a huge sum
Warrington's Development Management Committee has voted unanimously to turn down the Council's own planning application to place a Waste Transfer Station on highly congested and polluted Winwick Road, which is the principal northern gateway into the town. This reversed a decision by the Executive Board, the Council's cabinet, to place the facility there.
Clash over Rail Nationalisation
The Liberal Democrats and Labour on Warrington Council have different views on whether full-scale nationalisation of our railways is the solution to the current problems.
Ask MPs to back Amendment 19a
Liberal Democrats have amended the EU Withdrawal Bill to ensure that the people, not politicians, get the final say on the deal and the opportunity to exit from Brexit.
Listening to The People
Liberal Democrats in Warrington have been out in the centre of town with Cllr Bob Barr, the Parliamentary Candidate for Warrington South, listening to what people think are the big issues. They held a Street Stall at Market Gate on Saturday.