Warrington Lib Dem News
New chairman for Lymm Parish Council

Cllr Anna Fradgley has been elected to serve as Chairman of Lymm Parish Council for the coming year.
Anna says, "I am extremely honoured to have been elected as Chairman of the Parish Council, particularly as this is the Year of the Woman, celebrating 100 years since some women got the right to vote in Britain.
I would like to thank Councillor John Bamforth who has served as Chairman in the last year and has guided the Parish Council through twelve months of upheaval and accomplishments. All Councillors and the Clerk have worked extremely hard to deliver a number of achievements.
The up and coming year will be dominated by the Local Plan and the Parish Council will continue to protect the Green Belt until the Lymm Neighbourhood Plan is in place. I am personally going to encourage more residents to become involved in what happens in their village, using the powers designated to them under the Localism Act 2011. I feel confident that the Parish Council will continue to serve residents and help to make Lymm a wonderful place to live, work and visit."