Warrington Lib Dem News
Liberal Democrats for a Better Warrington
For a cleaner, greener, safer, fairer and more caring Warrington
Those in the town who are represented by Liberal Democrats know that we work hard for the community all year round, every year, and keep in touch through regular FOCUS newsletters and the local press. We are the official opposition on Warrington Borough Council currently holding eleven seats, the Conservatives have only one.
Having run the town from 2006 to 2011 we are pleased that the policies we introduced have been continued with a regenerated town centre, better funded affordable housing, and a partial continuation of our green agenda. We fought tirelessly, and continue to fight, to protect our green belt and our green spaces - something all parties now support.
The real threat to our green belt comes from a developer-friendly Conservative government which will control how many houses we have to build and where. New development will be forced on the town, but we will ensure that it is concentrated in the town centre and on brownfield sites. We won't allow developers to just build houses, we will insist that there are schools, community facilities, medical centres and shops within walking distance. We will ensure that new housing is not only sustainable but is affordable and appropriate for people at every stage of their life.
The life of the town was enhanced under our control and we would revitalise our cultural and public art policies.
The town needs a new hospital but it also needs more local health centres and better co-ordination of health and social care.
Warrington's environment needs attention. In parts of the town the air quality is poor and improving it requires urgent measures to reduce congestion. We will reintroduce the highly effective "look of the Borough" programme and work with volunteers to keep areas clean and attractive.
It is time for a change in Warrington. One-party rule does not serve the town well. The way the Council is run is not transparent enough or accountable to residents - this happens when one party dominates a town and chooses to minimise the occasions when it faces elections. We will re-establish a programme of public consultation on how money should be spent.
The Liberal Democrats have a strong record of working with others for the benefit of residents. We would welcome a more representative Borough Council, where all councillors are involved and can contribute. For a cleaner, greener, safer, fairer and more caring Warrington, please support the Liberal Democrats in the coming local elections.