Warrington Lib Dem News
Grappenhall Hall School site and the Old Rectory
Councillors Helen Speed and Mark Browne have been working with the Borough Council to improve the sites of Grappenhall Hall School and the Old Rectory, both of which have become derelict.
Mark said: We are working closely with Warrington Council's officers to ensure that any proposals for the Grappenhall Hall School site take into account the needs of the whole village, including those of the pupils of St Wilfrid's, whose entrance is opposite to the exit from the former School.
Helen added: Two outline proposals for the redevelopment of the School site and the creation of a community park are being developed ready for consultation. A third proposal has now been received for a new school but is still in its early stages. A comprehensive consultation process on proposals for the site is planned and it is hoped that these will be advanced sufficiently for this to take place in the autumn.
Councillors and a senior member of the local authority team recently met with the former Executor of the Old Rectory estate. Probate issues have been ongoing for 28 years and remain complex, but steps are being taken to try to break the deadlock.
Helen said: It is likely that resolving these issues will still take some time. We made proposals at the meeting on improving the site by the erection of scaffolding, covered in a picture of the Old Rectory as it was in its heyday and the introduction of wildflowers into the garden area. The family representative said that these will be fully considered by the Executor.
Mark added: We committed to fight for a fair deal for Grappenhall and Appleton Thorn… We want to work as closely as possible with the Council and the Executor of the Old Rectory to ensure the best outcome possible for Grappenhall Village and to retain as much as possible of the building's beautiful characteristics.